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The four friends

The four friends – Moral stories for kids from Panchatantra

A small group of the four friends lived deep inside the jungle. A deer, a crow, a mole, and a tortoise were the four friends.

Every afternoon, they would meet under a shaded banyan tree and chat for hours.

The deer did not  reached at the place on normal time one day. The mole, the tortoise, and the crow were all upset.

“I think you should fly around to see where the deer is,” the mole said to the crow.

The crow flew away with a nod of her head.

She didn’t have to go too far to spot the deer. Unfortunately, the deer was caught in a trap set by a hunter!

“Hello, friend deer!” “What happened?” screamed the crow.

“I am usually very careful where I put my step,” the deer sighed.

This net, on the other hand, was well concealed. I’ve been entrapped. It’ll only be a matter of time before the hunter arrives.”

The crow said, “I’ll get some help.”

She flew as fast as she could to the banyan tree, where the mole and tortoise awaited her. She detailed all that had occurred.

“Friend tortoise, you wait right here,” the mole said “while I go with the crow and cut the net with my sharp teeth and free the deer.”

The crow picked the mole in her beak and immediately flew to the spot where the deer was trapped.

The deer was overjoyed to see his companions. The mole begins to cut through the net.

It took a lot of effort, but the deer was eventually set free. As he stepped out of the net, the deer exclaimed, “Thank you, buddy mole!”

“Ah!” . A voice from the bushes said, “Looks like our friend is free!” The tortoise had taken a leisurely stroll to the spot.

The hunter arrived at the same time. The deer run swiftly . The crow flew away. The mole dug a hole to hide in easily.

The tortoise, on the other hand, was just too slow.

The hunter was shocked to see that the net had been cut. But then his eyes fell on the slowly moving tortoise.

“I lost the deer, but this tortoise will make a fine soup,” he thought to himself, as he tied the tortoise up with a rope.

“Oh no! We’ve lost our friend!” cried the crow.

“No, there is still hope,” said the mole with a smile as he whispered a plan to his two friends.

The hunter returned to the village with the tortoise on his back. He passed by a lake on his way .

He noticed a deer’s body lying in the grass. A crow was perched on the antlers of the deer, pecking at his eyes.

The hunter was in praise of his good fortune. “I lost one deer, but it appears that I have found another!

He thought to himself, “And I don’t even have to kill this one.”

The tortoise gave a friendly laugh. His friends had arrived to help him.

The hunter raced towards the deer, leaving the tortoise on the grass. The mole ran from the bush and cut the cord.

The tortoise was no longer trapped! The mole yelled, “Friend tortoise, run!”

He traveled very quickly and went straight in to the lake.

Meanwhile, the hunter was close to catching up with the deer. The tortoise was now safe in the lake.

She screamed, “Caw! Caw!” and flew away.

That was the call to action! The deer sprang to his feet and ran. He had no chance of being caught by the hunter.

When he returned, he discovered the tortoise had gone as well!

The four friends rushed back to the Banyan tree.

The tortoise said, “Thank you friends for saving my life!”

“No thanks,” the deer said with a smile, “as long as we support each other.”

“we’ll always be safe!”

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