Let us talk about Eco Friendly Toys or Eco Toys. Today there are lot of toy companies around the world manufacturing plastic toys.
Though there are quality guidelines which already exists and all big brands follow it very seriously, there are lot of toys in market which are not manufactured according to set quality standards and can contain harmful chemicals which are common with goods manufactured with plastic.
Well how can you minimize this risk – by use of “Eco Friendly toys” also called as ” sustainable kids toys “
Why try Eco Friendly toys?
The toys made from plastic and specifically bad quality plastic can be very harmful for our kids. These toys contain chemicals like lead, which are found in paint, arsenic, mercury and may be more as well.
Though the big and established brands do put effort in making sure that the quality standards are maintained, but there are many toys in market which pose health hazards.
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Eco Friendly toys are safe as they are do not contain these harmful materials, but they are also environment friendly as they are bio degradable.
Types of Eco Friendly toys!
So let us look at some of the types of Eco Friendly toys
Wooden Toys
Better than plastic ones, these toys are a great alternative to plastic toys. In India there are hubs which are famous of eco freidnly wooden toys.
Few most popular being Channapatna toys in Karnatka or Sawantwadi toys in Maharastra.
These toys made of vegetable dyes are natural and chemical free. So do try them out!

Eco-friendly modelling clay
Modelling clay has been a hit with toddlers. They love making various shaped out of it. It may be that the clay you are using has chemicals.
Eco Friendly modelling clays can be a good alternative. These are free from chemicals.

Cloth Toys / Rag dolls
These are soft toys. Rag dolls are made up of scrap clothes and these are stuffed with natural cotton. These toys are perfectly eco friendly and safe for kids.

Recycled Paper Toys
Using recycled paper, if you remember we used to make various nice shapes in our CCA activities at school.
Various beads can be made using old papers and magazines. These are a perfect way to keep the child engaged.

Make your own
Now this is interesting. You can make puppet at home. It safe, durable, environment friendly. It also helps kid develop a sense of responsibility.
Another great idea will be to use flour at home to make nice organic clay. Mix it with natural colors and give it to kids and see what they make.
So friends, next time if you plan to buy or gift a toy do give Eco-Friendly toys a thought.
They are safe and environment friendly as well.
Do let us know your comments!
Hope you liked this information.
Eco Friendly toys are very cool and excellent designing and manufacturing
We have also the Eco friendly toys lot of customer love bring and choosing right one
love to play with toys, Specially wooden toys