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national daugthers day

National Daughters Day – 25 September

Friends do yo know that there is a day dedicated to daughters. Every year in September we celebrate National Daughters Day. Let us know more about it.

India is a vast country and has large population. There are many cultural and traditional set ups in the country. According to most of the traditions daughters are considered to be incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and considered auspicious. They are considered lucky for the house hold and worshipped when young. They are thought to bring in happiness and joy along with good fate.

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Daughters are bubbly and full of energy. They make the whole household full of energy and bring everything to life. Their chirpiness is always welcome as it makes the house a beautiful place. They are known to decorate the house and make the aura lovely. They are always ready to give a helping hand. Daughters are style conscious and also help others look good. They are always graceful and respectful.

What was the need to mark a separate day for daughters?

There are many different types of family set up in terms of financial as well as cultural divisions. But even today in many families daughters are considered as a burden. It is said that they are to be married off to another family and will no longer be helpful to the parents, so why invest in them.

In many parts of the country daughters are killed even before birth or raised as servants. To overcome this bad omen and treat girls as equal and celebrate them the national daughters day was started in India.

When exactly is the national daughters day?

National daughter’s day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month of September.

This holiday has been started in India by Archies Limited. They wanted the parents to take pride in their daughters and never feel low for them.

They wanted people to express their love and care for the daughters and show them that they are special for the parents. The idea was dedicated to the problem of gender imbalance, the daughters are lesser respected in the society in many places in India.

The preference of son’s over daughters is not just the problem of India but seems to have wide spread over the whole world. To break the stigma this national daughter’s day has been brought up. Though it began in India but it now celebrated all over the world. There are many other days related to daughters that have come up, like the sister’s day, international girl child day, princess day and many more.

National Daughters Day – why, such a day was made special?

Parents; have a very special relationship and bonding with their daughters. To celebrate the bond and make the daughters feel special such a day was created and began to be celebrated.

The main aim was to remove stigma from birth of daughter. Parents must learn to cherish their daughters and raise them well.

The problem of female foeticide and girl child mortality had become very common not just in India but in many other countries. To tackle it and give a soft hearted feeling this day has been set up. We must highlight all the love and care we receive from daughters.

And eventually it is going to be them who lay the foundation of a family as mothers and wives. In today’s world girls are not only equal but also suppressed men in many fields. We must be proud to have daughters around.

In many cases it is also said that daughters can understand the unsaid feelings and needs of the parents. They are the biggest emotional support to their mothers and fathers. They can be the reason a parent is saved from the loneliness and depression, as she will be able to counsel them and converse in the softest manner.

Daughters not only bring happiness to their own parents but also to the inlaws where she is married. She is the source of energy and joy for those around her in every field like school, college, office and anywhere in the society.

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So how do we celebrate National Daughters Day?

Daughter’s day must be celebrated whole heartedly. It is not about how much money you spend, but the feeling you celebrate it with. Make it the most special day for your daughter.

  • Spill all the love you have on her and shower her with blessings.
  • Make a special meal and decorate her room.
  • If you can take her out to her favourite place or show her a special movie.
  • Parents must share lovely moments with her and also speak about her in the society with pride.
  • You can arrange for a small celebration in the locality where you stay and let all the daughters enjoy.
  • Give her cards and flowers.
  • Or you can buy her gifts if you like.
  • Most importantly make her feel like a princess and special.
  • Let her remember this day with happiness all her life.

Daughters are an essential part of the family. Those families where there are daughters are specially blessed by god. You must feel that they have been sent down by god specially to give you limitless love and care. They are selfless creatures that will care for you all your life, so take care of them when they are young.

Give her an opportunity to grow and become independent. If she is stable financially then she will be able to support you in your old age. Be proud of the gem that you have received from god. Polish her to be a fine soul.

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Daughters are the best thing that can happen to a mother and father. She shall always hold your prestige high and never let you down. Give her a chance to come forward in all streams of life.

Train her for everything not just kitchen and cooking but everything possible. You never know in future she may bring great laurels to family and make you a celebrity. She is special and rejoice her presence in your life.

Hope you liked this article. If you have any feedback or comment do write back to us in the comment box below.


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