Knowing coding is a very important part of the education of children these days. With everything becoming technologically advance, we all have to become advanced. So let us look at some free coding website for kids.
There are many websites that are offering coding classes for kids for free. These are basic courses which help the child learn the skills. Here are a few websites
List of free coding website for kids
So below are the list of free coding website for kids which I feel you should give a try.
Tis a website run by a non-profit organization. The course being offered helps the child begin from very scratch.

They familiarize students with the entire concept and all the information required at the school level. They have ample online resources and apps related to coding.
They have also started involving local schools for these pragmas as well. The famous hour of code movement is owned by this organization.
They have inspired many other organizations to come ahead and share free courses with children so that they can brush up their skills. There are many grade-based coding games.
Children learn to code while playing these in an interesting way. The best part is that their courses are available in offline mode as well for those whose connection may not be stable.
Code monster ( )
this website begins by explaining what coding actually is, and why is there a need for it. Then they move on to showing how it works and helps in the related problems.

There are two boxes used by them first displays the various codes while the other explains how they are working. In this way while playing the child understands and relates what each command is doing.
Scratch (
This is a website that has been designed by the students of MIT. It has the target audience of children between the age of 8 to 16.
They have developed a very simple and easy coding language. This is further used by anyone to learn coding in their schools. They have an arrange and snap arrangement.

No strict lines of making codes. They help the child learn what coding is and not just memorize some codes. This is basically a community where new ideas of coding come up by sharing ideas.
mBlock (
This is basically a step up for those who began learning with Scratch. If the child wants to know more and know about AI, Python, and other specialized skills.

This website teaches using games. The website is available for free on the mobile apps store as well.
Khan Academy (
They are well known for teaching excellent maths. Now they have come up with challenging and extensive games that have a basic tutorial for kids to learn to program.

Kids can learn how to make graphics, interactive visuals, and also animation. There are basic as well as advanced programs for children.
Swift Playgrounds (
This is specially designed for the iPad user by Apple. This is a better version of code combat.
Firstly it is free and attractive looking. The best suited for age 4 and above. This program prompts the child to solve the problem on their own and solve puzzles.
They aim at teaching the basics of coding. The kids enjoy the challenges of various levels. They learn by experience. There are many unique code lessons and experiences. It requires a Mac OS of 10.15.4 or a higher version.
Codeacademy (
As many as 45 million people have learned from this free website. There are courses that help the child or any adult learn about HTML, CSS, SQL, or even python, and so on.

There are many complex language programs also available for free. The will of a child can make them learn as much as they want and excel at it.
Coursera (
This is a website where many basic courses are available for free. There are specialized courses accepted by the universities of Washington, Tronto, and more.
So the child can benefit academically as well and take further studies based on the coding learned here. The student shall receive certificates which are valid everywhere.
edX (
This is an open-source learning platform introduced by MIT and Harvard University in the year 2012.
The children can learn about cutting edge theories and technologies being used all around the world. Kids understand and learn how they function. There are around 53 schools affiliated with edX.
Udemy (
This online learning platform gives a chance to the children to learn skills that will allow them to get better jobs.
There are many free courses taught by online videos. Courses like Python framework, HTML, and many more up for grabs. These help the child learn skills up to the level that they can secure a good job.
This is a community of program developers who are helping the juniors learn.

There are people like Bram Cohen; inventor of BitTorrent to help the kids learn. They help you perfect your coding skills.
Code Avengers (
The programming is for the age group of 5 to 14. Even school teachers can learn from this website to help the kids learn better.

There are fun and interactive programs to interest and engage students. The games focus on languages such as C++, Python, HTML, and many more.
The learning of children cannot be just limited to books and notebooks. There is much more than craming up formulae. They must be able to understand and solve problems on their own.
Kids must have the capability to make their own solutions. Kids have great minds, they are capable of new inventions and discoveries if given a chance.
We have to give them a platform to brush up their skills. Kids have to be ready for all sorts of competition ahead in time, not just in careers but also in all spheres of life.
Parents must help and allow their kids to learn coding. It has become a very essential part of their growing up. They shall need it to secure good jobs and a happy future.
Coding is the need of the hour. You can go through all the above-mentioned websites and select the best match for your kids. Let them flourish and mature in an environment full of opportunities for them. Let them decide what they want to do in life so that they excel at it.
I hope that the list of these free coding website for kids are helpful for you. If you have any comments do let me know!
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