Parenting is not an amateur’s job. It can be learnt by experience only. Parenting Books cannot teach you what to do and when to do but yes they can give you a fair idea of what all can happen. They can prepare you for situations you may face bit avoiding them totally may not be in control of the books.
Parenting Books – Why to get one ?
Whenever you read a book try to learn from the mistakes and experiences of others rather than committing those same mistakes yourself to get the same lesson the hard way. Parenting books can help you prepare not just physically but mentally and emotionally too. Being a parent is a 24 hour job, so there are no leaves no pay, but you must always cherish it. Enjoy every little moment as they may not come back again.
Our list of Best Parenting books
Here are a few suggestions on the Best Parenting books which may be helpful in the journey of being a parent:
Happiest Baby on the Block

This book comprises of sweet and sensible suggestions from a pediatrician for the early months with a baby. How you can handle the situation in the very beginning rather than getting anxious or crazy. There can be numerous situation when you may lose your calm but here are a few suggestions to keep yourself together and be a good parent.
The Sleep Easy Solution

As a new parent sleep becomes a big issue for both parents and the child. It is emotionally and physically taxing for all of them so proper counselling can really help. There are really good effective ways to settle a child into the sleep routine so that the parents too can get some rest.
Brain Rules for Baby
As we all know that there is tremendous growth of kid’s brain till the age of 5. So these first five years are crucial, as kids are very inquisitive and difficult to handle. Answer their queries with science facts and figures and hence develop a habit to look for solutions and reasons. There are great ways to keep the babies busy in a happy way.
What to expect when you are expecting?

As we all know parenting begins right from the time a baby has been conceived, so this book helps you in getting to know about yourself and the baby while he/she is still in the womb.
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk
Yelling and pleading both do not work with kids. This book helps in creating interpersonal communications between parents and children so that there is peace and harmony in the family and all get mostly what they want. It is helpful for both parents to get things form kids as well as understanding the demands of the children and keep them happy.
1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12
In this book there are great suggestions of making your kids cooperate and do home work and also help around in chores. It helps make them independent as well as help you in whatever way they can and also prepare them for future from the very beginning.
Positive Discipline
The writer speaks of mutual respect rather than punishment as a way to discipline your child; her ways are firm, effective but kind at the same time. These work well for even the problematic child. Kids need to cooperate and communicate with their parents. As they grow from toddlers to teenagers the way of handling too varies. For young ones you are a mentor a teacher but for the teenagers you have to be friendlier. You too have to change and adapt as a parent on each step.

This book gives the much need advice for the parents regarding their own skills and talents. As we have a child most of the parents start doubting their own skills and become very depressed. They lose hope and confidence. This book is all about boosting yourself and believing that you are the best parent for your own child. There can be no alternatives. You can take help but in the end it is you who will have to be the parent and not any outsider.
The whole brain child

This book suggests strategies to nurture your child’s brain in the correct way. What all is to be done and what all should be avoided. It helps foster healthy brain growth and dealing with the day to day problems and hence having a calmer and happier child. Cognitive development is very important and must be dealt with in a positive manner so as to have a bright child.
The conscious parent

This book takes up the psychological and emotional aspect of the parents and how all this affects this child Tin return. We must be very careful around children as we may unknowingly pass down a few things to kids we never really intended to. Kids are like our reflection and behave just the way they see us behaving. So if you want to be loved you have to love them and others too in front of them.
Now after this long list we would say that do take help of any or all of these books but never stop believing that you are the best for your child. Always read a Parenting Book with an open mind and relaxed manner.
Parenting books are very handy and well written by people who have seen many critical situations too. You must be prepared for the worst but always hope for the best. Always keep a firm belief in yourself, do not become depressed and stressed about parenting. It is a golden opportunity you must thank god for it, it is a true blessing.
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These Best Parenting Books help you look at life in a better way and enjoy each precious moment of being a parent as soon the kids will grow up and move on with their own lives and all you will be left with are memories. Love your child as much as you can.