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PlasmaCar – A toy for kids of all ages

Today we will look at a unique ride-on toy which is quite popular in west.  This toy has been made  popular by Canadian toy distributor PlaSmart.

In essence it is a very simple toy which does not need any battery to operate. The only thing it needs to work is your childs energy. Have a look at it below..

The PlasmaCar is to be propelled by wiggling the front steering wheel which is attached to two pivoting wheels touching the ground.

On the main feature of this toy is that it does not require any battery and uses the natural forces of inertia, centrifugal force, gravity, and friction in order to move the car forward and backward.

Kids don’t even need to peddle this car forward. Just wggle the steering wheel. It is a fun toy which can be used both indoor and outdoor and kids just love it.

You can know more about this toy at the plasmacar vedio (from plasmacar) on youtube.


Where to buy?

PlasmaCar is quite popular in west. But it is gaining popularity here as well. We have seen this toy at big toy shops and is also available on Amazon.in and Flipkart.

Check this out – Amazon ,  FlipKart

Hope you will like this toy! Do check it out!




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